Education Sessions
Many companies and their Managers, do not understand how WSIB claim costs affect their bottom line and make errors as a result. Educate your team on WSIB and learn to control the costs.
An in-house training session, customized based upon your WSIB reports, highlights claims that are costly where the cost could have been easily avoided. We offer Three in-house seminars:
This session is intended only for your team members who have directly involved WSIB claims management matters, such as Human Resources Managers. It is also suggested for staff who indirectly deal with WSIB issues, such as Payroll, Health & Safety, and Operations.
The information covered in this session includes:
What you should have in place before your next accident
The immediate offer of modified work
The return-to-work tri-fold (In case of accidental break glass)
Instructions to: The worker, Their supervisor, The health care provider
Communications log
Inventory of modified work jobs
On-going communications
How to complete a Form-7
Managing the claim
Managing the worker
Managing Health Care
How modified work saves you money
The new experience rating system: The Rate Framework model
When a workplace accident occurs three parties have separate and distinct responsibilities: The WSIB, The Employer, and the Injured Worker.
The best way to avoid a claim going “sideways” is to educate your staff about their roles, responsibilities, and obligations when a workplace accident happens.
This session is intended for every employee and each session should only take 30 minutes to complete. Educate your team on WSIB and keep your company compliant and your workers accountable.
The theme of the presentation is We are doing this FOR You; Not TO You!
The topics covered include:
Roles and Responsibilities of the WSIB
Roles and Responsibilities of the Employer
Roles and Responsibilities of the Injured Worker
Obligation to Report
Obligation to Participate in Modified work
That is within your restrictions
Will assist with work hardening
Will maintain your income, with no wage gaps
Obligation to seek healthcare at times that fit the needs of the company
How the WSIB Protects the Injured Worker, BUT the worker does not have a golden ticket
How Modified Work TRUMPS a Doctor’s Note saying you can stay off work
When I do this session I am looking for the angry worker who will yell and scream about how they will listen to the orders from their Doctor. I will remind them that they are free to do, but that it is unlikely they will receive a paycheque from either the WSIB or their Employer.
The WSIB utilized a RETROSPECTIVE experience rating model (NEER or CAD-7) for more than 30 years. In 2020, the PROSPECTIVE Rate Framework model was launched. While there are many advantages to this system is also fraught with downside risk.
This session includes:
A comparison between NEER and RFM
NEER: most costly claim was a minor claim
Rebate/Surcharge system
RFM: most costly claim is a claim that requires payments into future years
Premium only
NEER – a headache
RFM – a nightmare
How RFM works
How do premiums change over time
Drivers of premium rate increases
What can we do help our premiums decrease over time
The benefits of prevention
The benefits of claims management
The benefits of cost relief
Why my company should have access to a private health care network
The downside risk
The 11-year claim
Cumulative risk
How what’s good about the program is bad for your company
This session is intended for Finance, Operations, Human Resources, Safety, and Payroll
The learning objective is to ensure all departments are working towards the same goal: prevention and claims management to prevent the operating cost of your business increase over time.
These sessions have been provided in to:
Hospitals & Health Care providers
Human Resources Associations
Automotive Manufacturing
Transportation and Distribution
Construction (General and Trades)
Food Manufacturing
Automotive Dealers